Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Create your own religion!

This is something wandering through my mind for some time. I'd really like to create new religion! Why? Isn't it obvious? To create a religion is one of the greatest moneymaking industry. All you have to do is feeding up people with bullshit. But then again, it's really not me speaking something so unrational, even God seems to be acceptable concept alongside that.

I'd really like to have some rational concept and I've been thinking about it.But it's just impossible. You can't fuse science and religion into one. Even if you really want to, there is no science in giving people hope or threatning them being punished after their death forever. The first thing is, they can't be punished after they are dead. I mean, there is no afterlife. So rational concept doesn't come into mind. It seems I'd have to make something more religious.

But this is a problem for me. I would have to act, like I believe such stupidity. And I would have to do that publicly. I would lose any hope of finding a girlfriend, because who would like to date such moron, right? Maybe another crazy moron female believing in my bullshit. But then again, would you like to have a normal relationship with someone stupid enough to believe obvious fairy tales of yours? I guess it is quite easy to find moronic girlfriend, if you are a leader of some church, though. You have power and there is strange aura about you. Or at least the others see it that way.

To create some new religion and be it's leader, it's quite of a responsible job. It's not only pushing bullshit to your followers heads, you have all of their hopes, fears, dreams (and not to forget all the money) in your hands. Feeling the weight of responsibility yet? Whatever you tell, they'll follow(some of them are sure to follow). So you just can't tell anything, because you could end up losing your members->therefore your money. What is worse, you could end up in jail, since if you would be blamed for founding a sect, in some laws you would be imprisoned. Now you definitely must feel the hardness of the deal.

But what is a religion? When can you tell, you've founded religion and when it is some comic fagotry? It's really not that hard. The only thing you have to think of is someone, or something to be the main cause of everything bad. People are not interested why good things happen to them. As long as they happen to them, they really don't care. What they care is, why is it them, who have to end up with the worst. Why they've lost their job, why has it been them to be robbed, raped, cheated, whatever. Why BAD things happen. Go and tell them: It's the Satan, it's the God, it's that unsympathetic dentist on the corner of your street. It could be even dark grass growing on Jupiter(even though there is no chance anything would grow on Jupiter). Really. It can be anything. As long as you say, what is the cause, it's okey. They'll have something to blame.

What your church is doing is getting rid of the evil, fighting the evil, fighting the bad things, that happen to people. Give examples of how your church is helping and do some help in reality.You'll have to put some money into it, but you'll get much more in the process. Give them hope. Tell, there is mighty being helping them. Maybe helping them through you. It could be yourself, if you are feeling up to it. Just tell them, the help is nearby. You would wonder, how many people would believe in whatever you are saying, because you'll tell them, they are not responsible for them being unsuccessfull, for their fails but on the other hand, you(or your religion) is the way to get better, to have hope, to end up in good situation. People only need to believe, that there is hope. There ultimatively doesn't have to be. They only need to believe that.

And that's what every religion does. It gives hope and it gets the main causer of our problems.
  • catholics-bad guy: satan, hope: God
  • muslims-bad guys:all those who don't believe in allah, hope:Allah
  • scientology-bad guys:diseased human bodies, hope: the only cure-scientology
  • ...etc...
If you want to make your money, GO AND TEACH! Teach your greatest bullshit of being punished for sins and being praised for good. Good luck and what is the most important: earn well.

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