Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Holy Hilter

I'll continue in this entry to describe some another intriguing parts of mormon's beliefs. For this one, I'll have to explain more about Mormons;

First of all, Mormons believe, that we are somehow connected to our living and also dead relatives. This seems to be odd, because, honestly, if we would make a little research in our family tree, well it might be possible, YOU and ME are very far relatives. Still, we are relatives and we are connected. I don't know, who you are, still, there is some spiritual connection between us, don't you feel it? Well I don't. But don't worry. You can't feel anything, because there simply is no connection at all. It's just another fairy tale, mormons spread out. Still, they possess largest genealogical library in the world, it's even multilingual, since mormons are everywhere. They feel internal need for turning the whole world to mormonism.

What's so odd about this connection among relatives is the part of connection to those dead ones. I pretty much understand, why founder(Joseph Smith i believe his name was) of mormons included this (may i call it like that?) feature in mormon's beliefs. It's pretty simple. He needed new members, because he needed their money. And well, he just very badly needed something for attracting people to his church. Just imagine, you could talk to your dead brother, sister, mother, father, grand parents etc. Lot of us really want to. I am sorry, I have to tell you, it's just impossible. But if you still want to believe in talking to your dead relatives, you are free to join mormons. No, that's not it. Your wallet is free to join mormons.

Continuing with those connections with dead relatives, mormonism goes even further. There is even more crazy "extra" feature for mormons. They can turn their dead relatives to mormonism! (As they can't protest against it, it's really simple). Guess, who are the most famous dead mormons baptized dead already: Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Joan of Arc, even Buddha. So yeah, Adolf is such holy man, lot of dead jews know lot about it. Just ask them! The only thing i hope for is, noone will ever baptize me after death. But then again, i really wouldn't care, that's sure thing.

So far i'd like to end this "Mormons How to for novices?" tutorial and see you in my next entry with something (i hope so) more interesting.

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